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Learn more about the possibility of sending notification, through the app and in accordance with LGPD. 

One of the changes announced by Meta, for the Business API - Official version, is the possibility of sending active communication - notification, through the application. 

It is important, however, to emphasize that when releasing new features, the company's intention is to increasingly provide quality experiences and connections between companies and users, so all content submitted must be approved by the platform, via templates, and be aligned with its policies.

To do so, the company should only send a notification to the WhatsApp user if they have voluntarily added their number and agreed to be contacted by your company by completing the full opt-in.

What characterizes a complete opt-in?

Analyzing the situation from the consumer's point of view, we come to the following question: nobody likes to receive random e-mails, or SMSs that offer products, services, or even discounts that have not been requested. The same goes for WhatsApp notifications. If you have not given your permission to receive the notification, you will not be happy to have your app full of messages.

Now, when you authorize notifications, which are of your interest, the scenario changes. And this authorization, in WhatsApp, is what we call full opt-in. 

How to do a complete opt-in?

For full opt-in to happen, you only need to ask the user for authorization to send communications. With this low invasive approach, the user who has an interest in your products or services, accepts and registers to receive your messages and content, as follows:

  • Saving your channel number in the cell phone's contact book;
  • Sending a message to set up Opt-in.

 The format of the opt-in message should be exemplified in the greeting message, as in the example.

Hello, we are from Supermercado Modelo and would like to send you a message.

To receive our messages, please save our number in your address book and send #yes. If you do not wish to receive our information, send #no.

The opt-in action clearly confirms that the user wants to receive messages from your channel, via WhatsApp, which is in accordance with the guidelines of the LGPD - General Law of Data Protection, in force since2020.  

It is also important to make the name of the establishment explicit in the initial message, for quick identification by the customer.

 Finally, it is correct to state, once again, that the TalkAll platform does not work with SPAM, which are messages sent without the request or prior authorization of the recipient, and that, even with the option of sending notifications, via the Official Business API version, the user will only receive your communication after completing the full Opt-in and he must be guided to do so.

Conversations must follow a pre-approved template, called a template, and are subject to applicable fees. To learn more about the applicable fees and the changes that will occur starting in February 2022, please visit

Any message template must follow the WhatsApp Terms and Policies, which has the right to review, approve and reject templates at any time, and may only be used for the designated purpose.

If you are already a TalkAll Business customer and wish to know the Official Business API version, please contact the business consultant responsible for your account.(Talk to us!).

If you are not yet a TalkAll customer, schedule a call right now with our Commercial team(Schedule a demo).